Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Χώρα" : Βουλγαρία
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Σε σειρά:
ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2018Aggressive behavior and Self-Esteem of students from 8 to 15 years of ageΚασιώρα, Βασιλική Α.
2019Art activities in correctional- pedagogical work with the children of special educational needsΧαρμάνη, Αποστολία Ε.
2024Behavioral social and emotional impact of online learning on children with ASDΠροέδρου, Αλέξανδρος Σ.
2021Characteristics of self-assessment in children prone to aggression in schoolΔούβλος, Χρίστος Α.
2021Comparative analysis of Human Resources Management in the industrial and public sector in GreeceΠαπαδοπούλου, Κυριακή Χ.
2023The comparative study of policies for development of secondary schools in some member states of the European UnionΣπυριδοπούλου, Νικολέτα Χ.
2022Detection and analysis through communication channels of the physical characteristics of metals by using of ultrasonic sensorsΔασκαλάκη, Διονυσία Ά.
2018Economic foresight & scenario thinking as a planning tool for addressing China’s uncertain environmentΧριστοφιλόπουλος, Επαμεινώνδας Χ.
2023The effects of the pandemic Covid-19 on the Greek economyΝτέκα, Νικολέττα Φ.
2019Establishment of a development stimulating environment to promote the correction of the cognitive activity of mentally handicapped childrenΚατέρης, Αθανάσιος Δ.
2024Guidelines for psychological support in the training of tefugees in the Hellenic RepublicΦασλή, Παναγιώτα Δ. 
2024Holistic approach to the development of learning skills of students with special educational needsΚυριακοπούλου, Μαρία Ν.
2023Information systems in HRM as a strategic tool for competitive advantage in business administrationΧατζή, Κωνσταντίνα Α. 
2024Integration of ICT in educational process and the role of school management in primary and secondary special educationΤέγος, Γεώργιος Ι.
2019International financial reporting standards and the effect on banks' profitability: a case study of Greek banks in BulgariaΚολέτσα, Ελένη Ι.
2004Kineziterapia cled rekonstrouktsia na predna krustna vruzka sus svoboden kostno-souxozilen-kosten transplantat ot lig. patellae pri sportistiΣιουμουρέκης, Στέργιος Κ.
2024Life satisfaction and school adaptation in children with special educational needs and those with typical development living in institutionsΚαραγκούνη, Φανή Δ.
2024Machine Learning for QoE Enhancement in Future Wireless NetworksΚουγιουμτζίδης, Γεώργιος Β.