Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Χώρα" : Ιταλία
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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2015The acolouthy of the Footwashing (the Orthros of Maundy Thursday) in the Greek-Orthodox traditionΑποστολός, Φώτιος Κ. 
2013Affirmation of dna barcoding as a powerful tool in cataloguing medicinal and aromatic plants in mediterranean forestsΛαΐου, Αγγελική Ε.
2011Agents of memory in the making: the greek war-disabled of WWIIΡοβίθη, Χαρά Γ.
2012The architecture of public open urban spaces: how to define a syntax in the contemporary urban environmentΛεοντιάδου, Στεφανία Σ.
1989Aspetti clinici e riabilitativi delle lesioni del plesso brachiale nello sportivoΣταθόπουλος, Σταύρος Α.
2020Assessing the potential role of Rictor expression as predictive factor of response to PI3K/mTOR pathway inhibitors in preclinical models of squamous cell lung cancerΓκουντάκος, Αναστάσιος Ι.
2016Audience development in public cultural centers: a qualitative study in Helsingborg and ElsinoreΚαρατζιάς, Κωνσταντίνος Δ.
2019Bacterial resistance to critically important antimicrobials in the poultry industryΑποστολάκος, Ηλίας Ε.
2016Byzantine baths in the Prefecture of IllyricumΑρβανιτίδου, Ιωάννα Π.
2016Chronic stress of caregivers of patients with strokeΜανωλά, Μαργαρίτα-Ελένη (Μαργιαλένα) Ε.
2003Cleopa Malatesta e la corte degli ultimi Palaeologhi a MistraΠουπόλα, Θεοδώρα
2014Controllo del progetto nella fase di gestione: uno strumento informatico per gli edifici bioclimatici del terziarioΚουτλάκη, Κωνσταντίνα Γ.
2015Deciphering the mechanism of immune dysfunction in Vici syndromeΑξιώτης, Ευάγγελος Μ.
2019The effectiveness of change management to industrial production systems in Greek small / medium sized manufacturing enterprisesΑλεβυζάκης, Παναγιώτης Σ.
2022Essays on firms' competitivenessΕξαδάκτυλος, Δημήτριος Ε.
2024Formal methods for test and reliabilityΔεληγιάννης, Νικόλαος Ι.
2019The fortified installations on the Milesian islands in the Aegean in contextΣαραντίδης, Κωνσταντίνος Μ.
2022Four point functions in momentum space and topological terms in gravityΘεοφιλόπουλος, Δημοσθένης Δ.
2005German science as a medium of cultural policy and propaganda?: the scientific relations between Greece and the Third Reich: a case studyΖαρίφη, Μαρία Κ.