Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Επιστημονικό πεδίο" : Materials Engineering
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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2023Advanced cementitious composites for thermoelectric energy harvestingΒαρέλη, Ιωάννα Γ. 
2022Advanced high performance computing methods for the solution of crack propagation and material design problems using the extended finite element method (XFEM)Μπακαλάκος, Σεραφείμ Γ.
2012Analysis and design of composite - to - metal adhesively bonded jointsΑνυφαντής, Κωνσταντίνος-Ιωάννης Ν.
2022Analysis of the mechanical behavior of welded joints using micro-mechanical characteristicsΕξαμηλιώτη, Θεανώ Ν. 
2011Analytical and numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of materials and structures in the theory of gradient elasticityAkintayo, Olufemi Taiwo B.
2019Anisotropic particles: synthesis and characterization of responsive rod-like colloidsChambon, Lucille F.
2019Characterization, cutting mechanisms and machinability of lead-free brassesΤουλφατζής, Αναγνώστης Ι.
2022Composite nano-reinforced lime-based binders with piezoresistive properties for restoration applicationsΔήμου, Αγγελική-Ειρήνη Χ.
2020Computational design of functional Fe-X (X=Cu, Co, Mn) coatings and nanoclusters for environmentally sustainable applicationsCutrano, Carla S.
2015Computational study, design and applications of nano-composite metallo-dielectric photonic materialsΜπελλάς, Δημήτρης Β.
2018Contribution to force field modeling and energy minimization of nanostructuresΧατζηελευθερίου, Σταύρος Ε.
2009Damage assessment in laminated composite structures using acoustic methodsΑσημακοπούλου, Θεώνη Θ.
2018Degradation studies of Me-N-C catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cellsΜαρτιναίου, Ιωάννα Κ.
2021Design of the thermomechanical control process of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steelsΤζίνη, Μαρία-Ιωάννα Τ.
2015Determination of failure criteria and incorporation in FE codes for the simulation of ship’s hull in extreme loading conditionsΜαρινάτος, Ιωάννης Ν.
2021Development and characterisation of new high entropy alloy systems of dual and/or multiple phasesΜαθιού, Χριστίνα Γ.
2024Development and functionality control of advanced nanocomposite materials for mechanical and electrical applicationsΜανιάδη, Αθηνά Η.
2023Development of advanced cementitious systems with enhanced mechanical properties, improved microstructure and chemical resistanceΜαλακόπουλος, Αθανάσιος Α. 
2012Development of a meshfree particle method for the simulation of steady and unsteady free surface flows: Application and validation of the method in impulse hydraulic turbinesΚουκουβίνης, Φοίβος-Χαράλαμπος Κ.
2016Development of a methodology for evaluating the structural integrity of reinforced concrete elements and other building materialsΜπαλάσκας, Αναστάσιος Χ.