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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
20143D shape analysis approaches for protein docking and similarity searchΑξενόπουλος, Απόστολος Β.
2020Acoustic and optical characterization of soft biological matter and biopolymersΧρονάκη, Δήμητρα Ι.
2021Acoustic based technologies combined with enzymatic amplification for the analysis of point mutations in Tissue and Liquid biopsyΝαούμη, Νικολέττα Χ.
2015Acoustic ecology of avians: soundscape and vocalization comparisons between urban and rural environmentsΟικονόμου, Χρήστος Μ.
2015Adaptation of arthropod pests in plant allelochemiclas and pesticides, with emphasis on the role of detoxificationΠαυλίδη, Νένα Ε.
2017Adaptive patterns and processes in mammalian arborealityΚαραντάνης, Νικόλαος-Ευάγγελος Ά.
2016Advanced Raman techniques for real time cancer diagnosticsΒαρδάκη, Μάρθα Ζ.
2013Affirmation of dna barcoding as a powerful tool in cataloguing medicinal and aromatic plants in mediterranean forestsΛαΐου, Αγγελική Ε.
2018Airborne pollen patterns along an altitudinal gradient of the Italian Alps: combination of classical pollen identification methods and next generation sequencing on environmental DNAΛεοντίδου, Κλεοπάτρα Χ.
2013Algorithms for exact solutions to combinatorial optimization problemsΓκεβεζές, Θεόδωρος Π.
2011Alien fish species in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: invasion biology in coastal ecosystemsΚαλογήρου, Στέφανος Κ.
2009Animal microRNAs and the evolution of tissue identityΧριστοδούλου, Φωτεινή Ι.
2014Appendage regeneration in the amphipod crustacean parhyale hawaiensisΚωνσταντινίδης, Νικόλαος Ε.
2023Applications of circuit theory and graph theory on ecological connectivity in dynamically changing landscapesΠέτσας, Παναγιώτης Ν.
2024Applications of genetic and genomic modifications (CRISPR / Cas9, ectopic expression) for the analysis of mechanisms of insecticide resistanceΠαντελέρη, Ραφαέλα Π. 
2022Assessing the health state of arboreal vegetation in urban, rural, and natural ecosystems, using non-destructive phenotypic techniques: implications for conservation and managementΖευγώλης, Ιωάννης Γ.
2018Bacterial hydrolases of thermophilic origin and their application in plant biomass valorisationΓαλανοπούλου, Αναστασία Π.
2020Balanced mRNA storage and degradation regulates mitochondrial homeostasis, ageing and stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegansΔασκαλάκη, Ιωάννα Α.
2006Bilateral degenerative mechanisms in rat retina following unilateral experimental manipulation of the optic nerveΠαναγής, Λάμπρος Γ.
2015Biochemical and biophysical study of two putative polysaccharide deacetylases: their role in osmotic stress and cell shape maintenance in the bacterium Bacillus anthracisΑρναουτέλη, Σοφία Γ.