Hearing disorders in professional musicians
This study aims to assess the auditory health of music professionals in Greece. The objectives of this study are: 1. to investigate how well-informed music professionals are about music-induced hearing disorders. 2. to document audiological symptoms and problems encountered in the music industry. 3. to provide a more detailed audiological profile of music professionals than currently available in the literature, constituting one of the most extensive published series of audiological tests (state the tests). 4. to develop and validate a novel self-evaluation tool (Musicians' Hearing Handicap Index - MHHI) for the evaluation of occupation-related auditory problems in music professionals Pure tone audiometry (PTA) is considered the "gold standard" hearing test but there are limitations and cannot comprehensively describe the impact of hearing dysfunction. The MHHI complements the diagnostic toolbox in this special occupational group. The literature search revealed no equivalent questionna ...
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