Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2023 | Advanced laboratory and point of service technologies for the optimization of livestock biosecurity | Μάνεσης, Γεώργιος Α. |  |
2015 | The antioxidant effect of dietary micro algae supplementation on milk, blood and rumen of dairy goats | Abdullah, Mahmoud A. |  |
2019 | Assessment of nutritional behavior, lifestyle and psychological climate in the classroom before and after the implementation of innovative health education program in nutrition and physical activity | Ευσταθίου, Νικόλαος Θ. |  |
2017 | Biofilm formation, stress responses and virulence genes diversity in Listeria monocytogenes | Ποιμενίδου, Σοφία Β. |  |
2010 | Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation | Gabr, Amr A. |  |
2018 | Bioprocess development and transcriptomic analysis for succinic acid production via fermentation using waste streams for the pulp and paper industry | Πατεράκη, Χρυσάνθη Γ. |  |
2019 | Bioprocess development for the production of 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol using food waste and crude renewable resources from biodiesel and cane sugar production processes | Μάινα, Σοφία Χ. |  |
2022 | Biorefinery and bioprocess development for the production of bio-based succinic acid, protein isolate and bacterial nanocellulose: the case of biodegradable film production for packaging applications | Ευθυμίου, Μαρία-Νεφέλη Π. |  |
2023 | Biorefinery development using winery waste streams processed via novel lignocellulose pretreatment technologies and industrial fermentations for the production of bioeconomy products | Φιλιππή, Αικατερίνη Ν. | |
2014 | Biotechnological treatment of olive mill wastewaters-based media: production of added-value compounds with the use of strains of yeasts Yarrowia lipolytica and Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Σαρρής, Δημήτριος Ι. |  |
2021 | Characterization of spoilage microbiota through next-generation sequencing and application of spectroscopy-based technologies for assessing the microbiological quality of fresh-cut produce | Μάνθου, Ευανθία Γ. |  |
2012 | Contemporary methods of estimation of genetic parameters in broiler chicken populations | Μανιάτης, Γεράσιμος Ν. |  |
2024 | De novo σύνθεση πρωτεϊνών ιξού (Viscum album) από σωμακλωνικούς κάλους και έλεγχος αντινεοπλασματικής δράσης σε καρκινικές σειρές | Τσεκούρας, Βασίλειος Δ. |  |
2017 | Designing emulsions and nanostructures for the encapsulation of bioactive compounds | Παξιμαδά, Παρασκευή Σ. |  |
2017 | Determination of minced meat quality using machine learning | Ροπόδη, Αθηνά Ι. |  |
2021 | Development of advanced cellular and molecular biosensors for the study of neurotransmitter interaction and prospects for applications in Biology and Medicine | Αποστόλου, Θεοφύλακτος Π. |  |
2022 | Development of an integrated biosensor system for Toxicology and Pharmacology applications | Παϊβανά, Γεωργία Α. |  |
2019 | Development of decision-support systems for water reuse and water-loss reduction: holistic and systemic approach for resilience promotion in the context of integrated water resources | Οερτλέ, Εμμανουήλ Φ. |  |
2024 | Development of the hellenic database on nutrient composition and quality features of branded foods: structure of the database, uses of data and digital applications | Κατίδη, Αλεξάνδρα Ν. |  |
2016 | Dietary habits of primary school children and factors affecting their food choices | Μαγριπλή, Εμμανουέλλα Ι. |  |