An investigation of the presence of Aristotelean values in the ethical instructor-leader and of the perceived impact on students’ psychological wellbeing
The Aristotelian virtues are considered by many scholars to be key elements of the behavior of an educator recognized as a Leader but especially recognized as a Moral Leader. Prudence or Prudence, Fortitude, Temperance, Reason, Passion and the inspired sense of Justice as recognized elements of a Leader's behavior have been the subject of study of many scientists. This thesis studies how relevant theories and studies are applied when a teacher is in the role of Ethical Leader. It also investigates whether the characteristics described by young learners are recognizable. Along with the existence of the above characteristics, the aim is to study the effect of the following manifest behaviors of the teacher as directly related to the above virtues. These are the perceived Respect by the teacher towards the students, the Support provided to the students, the motivation to the students, the perceived action of the teacher as a Mentor and a source of inspiration to the students. This thesis ...
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