The manuscripts of Saint Catherine's monastery (Sinai) through the photographic lens: from glass plates to digital spectral imaging
Saint Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai was built in the 6th century as a Byzantine fortress, protecting both the monks and their liturgical artifacts. The Sinai Monastery is characterized by its remoteness, isolation, and continuous monastic life in the last 15 centuries. These factors have greatly contributed not only to the formation of an ascetic spirituality, but also the preservation of treasured relics. Particularly, the Sinai Library is considered as second only to the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in significance and number of manuscripts. The location of the Monastery has protected manuscripts from warfare and pillaging and the dry climate of the desert has preserved the objects in low levels of relative humidity. This dissertation focuses on the photographic expeditions and projects that took place among the walls of the Sinai Monastery between the 19th and the 21st century. Divided in two parts, the first deals with the historical expeditions up to modern times (1894-2010 ...
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