Exposomic analysis: emerging methodologies for environmental exposure measurements
Technology innovations create possibilities to capture exposure-related data at a great depth and breadth. Considering, though, the substantial hurdles involved in collecting individual data for whole populations, this study introduces a first approach of simulating human movement and interaction behaviour, using Agent Based Modelling (ABM). A city scale ABM was developed for urban Thessaloniki, Greece. Population statistics, road and buildings network data were transformed into human, road and building agents, respectively. Informed by literature-extracted relationships between Socio-Economic Status (SES) and human behavioural patterns, the established ABM simulates societal dynamics. Time-use survey outputs were associated with human agent behavioural rules, aiming to model representative to real-world routines. Moreover, real time-geography of exposure data, extracted from personal sensors campaigns, was used to parametrise and enhance the model. Mobility behaviour and exposure to p ...
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