Functionalization of graphene and related two-dimensional materials with organic dyes
This PhD thesis deals with the chemical functionalization of graphene sheets and related two-dimensional analogues based on transition metals dichalcogenides, e.g. MoS2 and WS2, focusing on the development of hybrid materials for energy conversion applications. More specifically, both covalent and supramolecular functionalization methodologies were employed for interaction of organic chromophores with graphene, MoS2 and WS2 sheets.The first part focuses on the covalent attachment of (a) 4,4-difluoro-4-boron-3a,4a,8-triazo-s-indacene (boron azadipyrromethenes – azaBDP) on exfoliated graphene, which it was prior chemically functionalized with in situ aryl-diazonium salts carrying alkyne groups that subsequently reacted by "click" chemistry with azaBDP derivatives bearing azide groups; and (b) cyanines following the chemical functionalization methodology with in situ formed aryl-diazonium salts which either brought already the cyanines as part of their structure or used for further coupli ...
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