Exmining resilience of Greek teachers of general and special primary education: protective and risk factors factors and resilience strategies in Greece during the economic crisis
Resilience in the field of education has emerged as an important area of research, especially in countries where high resignation rates have been observed in the teaching profession. Internationally, there are numerous studies that evaluate the levels of, and the risk and protective factors of teachers’ resilience, with the relevant instruments varying in the number and the kind of protective factors they tap. By contrast, the Greek literature is rather limited and most of the studies focus on children and adolescents’ resilience. Only recently did studies shift their focus on the protective factors that affect the resilience levels in teachers. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the resilience of Greek general and special education teachers and to highlight the risk and protection factors in Greece during the financial crisis period. For the purpose of the main study, two separate studies were conducted. Study 1 was quantitative and aimed at: a) highlighting the most ...
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