Adjoint methods for turbulent flows, applied to shape or topology optimization and robust design
The present dissertation deals with the mathematical formulation, programming and validation ofadjoint methods for the computation of sensitivity derivatives of objective functions related toaerodynamics/hydrodynamics and the utilization of the latter in optimization algorithms. Methods basedon both the discrete and continuous adjoint approaches are presented. Academic and industrial casesare tackled in the fields of shape optimization, topology optimization and optimization underuncertainties (robust design).Regarding shape optimization, the continuous adjoint method is extended to cover incompressibleflows governed by the low-Re number Launder-Sharma k-ε and the high-Re number Spalart-Allmarasturbulence models, overcoming the implications of neglecting the differentiation of these models on theoptimization process. A significant part of the thesis is concerned with applications of the developedmethods to relevant industrial problems. In specific, the drag minimization of passenger ca ...
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