Primitive Athens (1100-480 B.C.): observations on the domestic development and the cemeteries
The object of this study is the topographical development of the city of Athens from the end of the Late Bronze Age to 480 B.C., as traced through the existing archaeological evidence. The research is based on the finds yielded by the excavations conducted at the major archaeological sites of Athens and elsewhere throughout the city (rescue excavations, major public works), as well as in ancient literary testimonia.Following the diligent compilation and study of the entire existing material record, the facts on burial grounds and habitation are treated in combination, in order to represent the topographic development of the ancient city and the interaction between burial grounds and domestic areas during the centuries covered by this study.The study comprises six parts arranged as follows: Introduction, three chapters on the periods studied – Submycenaean, Geometric and Archaic – Conclusions and Addenda.In the Introduction the object of this study, its time and geographical parameters ...
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