The political themes of national elections 1923-1936
This doctoral thesis presents and provides analysis for those issues that affected the Greek national elections of the period from 1923 to 1936 and ultimately determined their outcome. A central and, at the same time, cohesive element of these elections is the regimental issue as it unfolded over the course of these years, from the Leonardopoulos – Gargalidis movement on the eve of the 1923 elections, the establishment of a democratic state immediately afterwards and until the Venizelean movement of 1935, to the restoration of the monarchy and the consolidation of George II following the elections of 1936. In each of the seven main chapters, the thematology of every electoral procedure is developed, together with an introductory section and a short epilogue. The general conclusions are presented at the end of the thesis, focusing on the protagonists’ role in the political developments, as well as on the impact that the regimental issue had on the moulding of the political climate of t ...
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