Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2012 | 1,1,1-τριχλωροαιθάνιο: επαγγελματική έκθεση, επιπτώσεις και προοπτικές | Ξυδέα-Κικεμένη, Αναστασία Σ. |  |
1966 | Absterbekurven beim magen- und cardia-carcinom | Αναστασιάδης, Παναγιώτης | |
2012 | An acoustic study of coarticulation in the speech of greek adults with normal hearing and hearing impairment | Σφακιανάκη, Άννα Μ. |  |
2020 | Acquired anterior open bite in adults: investigation of possible etiological factors and therapeutic approach | Αρμάου, Μερόπη Ν. |  |
2019 | Acute and chronic effects of high intensity interval exercise on performance and muscle function | Θεοφιλίδης, Γεώργιος Ν. |  |
2024 | The acute and long-term effects of pre-workout supplement ingestion on athletic performance in basketball players | Δουληγέρης, Αθανάσιος Κ. | |
2021 | Advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques in soft tissue sarcoma studies: modelling of quantitative MRI parameters | Μανίκης, Γεώργιος Χ. |  |
2016 | Alternative natural sources of indirubin derivatives: analysis thereof in plasma and tissues: toxicological studies | Tchoumtchoua, Job P. |  |
2016 | Análisis biomecánico y caracterización de la intervención muscular y la calidad de control motor en el contexto de la manipulación manual de cargas | Σκιαδόπουλος, Ανδρέας Δ. |  |
1983 | Analysis and origins of N-nitrosamines in some alcoholic beverages and cured meat | Τότσιου, Γιολάντα |  |
2015 | The anterior component of occlusal force and lower tooth movements: theoretical considerations and direct measurements | Σαλέχ, Σαρμάντ Σ. |  |
2022 | Application of 3D printing and design of experiments for the development of pharmaceutical products | Τσινταβή, Ελένη Ε. |  |
2024 | Application of Bayesian methods and advanced algorithms in the measurement of zoonotic disease occurrence | Μελέτης, Ελευθέριος Η. |  |
2020 | Artificial intelligence driven framework for the structurization of free-text diagnostic reports | Γιάνναρης, Περικλής Σ. |  |
2024 | Artificial intelligence methods in clinical practice and research/development of drugs | Κυρίτση, Αικατερίνη Α. | |
1989 | Aspetti clinici e riabilitativi delle lesioni del plesso brachiale nello sportivo | Σταθόπουλος, Σταύρος Α. |  |
2023 | Assessing the relevance of different sources of variability on the survival of foodborne pathogens: stress adaptation against genetic heterogeneities | Γεωργαλής, Λεωνίδας Κ. |  |
2013 | Assessment of behavioural, anthropometrical and biochemical indices of health status in primary school children for the development of nutrition counseling recommendations | Μοσχώνης, Γεώργιος Β. |  |
2023 | Assessment of genetic variants and lifestyle determinants in obesity-related traits modifications | Καφύρα, Μαρία Δ. |  |
2023 | Assessment of nutrition, growth and development of infants and toddlers: the effect of dietary composition in protein and lipids | Καραγλάνη, Ευαγγελία Σ. |  |