Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2015 | 3-D circulation, impact of the terrestrial loading and atmospheric conditions on seasonal and climatic time scales in Eastern Mediterranean Gulfs: a case study in Kalloni Gulf, Lesvos island, Greece | Σπυροπούλου, Αλεξάνδρα-Ελένη Ν. | |
2015 | Acoustic ecology of avians: soundscape and vocalization comparisons between urban and rural environments | Οικονόμου, Χρήστος Μ. |  |
2021 | Acquisition of accurate geospatial information in the coastal environment using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) | Δουκάρη, Μιχαέλα Ε. |  |
2011 | Adaptive strategies for solving contraint satisfaction problems | Μπαλαφούτης, Αθανάσιος Δ. |  |
2008 | ADoCSI: εναλλακτική μέθοδος διάχυσης της πληροφορίας κατάστασης πιστοποιητικών | Ηλιάδης, Ιωάννης Σ. |  |
2019 | Advanced machine learning methods for network intrusion detection | Παπαμαρτζιβάνος, Δημήτριος Χ. |  |
2018 | Advanced social media exploitation in public policy formulation: methods, tools and evaluations | Ανδρουτσοπούλου, Αγγελική Σ. |  |
2018 | An agent – based modelling platform for financial crisis simulation | Πολύζος, Ευστάθιος Ν. |  |
2002 | Agent-based systems in an information society for all: an information systems perspective: conceptual foundations, methdology and applications | Κουτσαμπάσης, Παναγιώτης |  |
2018 | Agritourism and local development: evidence from a typical island and a continental locality in Greece | Καράμπελα, Σοφία Π. |  |
2022 | The airline – airport – tourism destination authority relationship: a strategic internet marketing approach | Βλάσση, Ειρήνη Γ. |  |
2020 | Alien and translocated fish species in lotic ecosystems of Greece | Κούτσικος, Νικόλαος Ε. |  |
2009 | Aligning ontologies using equivalence and subsumption relations | Σπηλιόπουλος, Βασίλης Ι. |  |
2019 | Analysing information security behaviour: technological-organisational-individual framework and practical guidelines to enhance ISP compliance | Τόπα, Ιωάννα-Αικατερίνη Κ. |  |
2022 | Analysing investment patterns in financial markets using social network analysis | Κωσταρής, Κωνσταντίνος Σ. |  |
2019 | Analysis and design of an opinion mining system for policy making in e-participation | Σπηλιωτοπούλου, Λευκοθέα Ι. |  |
2022 | Analysis of the mechanical behavior of welded joints using micro-mechanical characteristics | Εξαμηλιώτη, Θεανώ Ν. | |
2013 | Anomaly-based intrusion detection and prevention systems for mobile devices: Design and development | Δαμόπουλος, Δημήτριος Η. |  |
2016 | Application of picosatellites framework in maritime piracy and security | Μαντζούρης, Γεώργιος Ι. |  |
2022 | Assessing the health state of arboreal vegetation in urban, rural, and natural ecosystems, using non-destructive phenotypic techniques: implications for conservation and management | Ζευγώλης, Ιωάννης Γ. |  |