Development of an integrated modeling system for simulating the air-ocean wave interactions
Τhis PhD thesis envisages the implementation of a new two-way atmosphere-ocean wave fully coupled system with overarching aim to thoroughly unveil air-sea interactions focusing on the dynamical processes. The resulting system includes the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model as the atmospheric component and the Wave model (WAM) as the ocean wave component. WRF and WAM models have been coupled using the OASIS Model Coupling Toolkit (OASIS3-MCT). The system is appropriately implemented to support online coupling with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) and Hydrology (WRF-Hydro), offering the capability of simultaneous simulation of atmospheric, ocean wave, chemical and hydrological processes. Software aspects, data exchange and computational characteristics of the coupled system (CHAOS; Chemical Hydrological Atmospheric Ocean wave System) are elaborately discussed. A remarkable finding is that ocean waves increase air-sea momentum and enthalpy transfer modifying the characteristics of atmospheric f ...
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