Nonsmooth and multivalued analysis with applications in optimization
Περίληψη σε άλλη γλώσσα
The object of this thesis is two - fold . In the first part, we develop analogs of convex and nonconvex analysis for vector - valuedoperators, while in the second part we study the theory of Banach valued multifunctions. In the first part, we start with a study of convex operators. We introduce the notion of algebraic and topological subdifferentials and then derive conditions for those two to be equal. Also we develop a complete subdifferential and e-subdifferential calculus. In the sequence, we deal with the duality theory of convex operators. For that purpose, we introduc a notion of lower semicontinuity of operators and we show that this class is identical with the class of operators that are the upper envelope of continuous affine operators . This allows us to study analogs of the major duality schemes for vector optimization problems. Finally, we conclude our study of convex operators with some probabilistic results on Caratheodory convex integrands. Then we pass to nonconvex op ...
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Πηγή: Εθνικό Αρχείο Διδακτορικών Διατριβών.

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Πηγή: Εθνικό Αρχείο Διδακτορικών Διατριβών.
Πηγή: Εθνικό Αρχείο Διδακτορικών Διατριβών.