Molecular dissection of small RNA pathways in the silkworm (Bombyx mori): an in vitro and in vivo approach
The present PhD Thesis has focused on the study of the small RNA pathways in the silkworm Bombyx mori, highlighting the factors that affect the efficiency of the RNAi mechanism. The factors examined here, mostly, involved the expression of key-genes belonging to the RNA machinery and the presence of a viral infection (persistent or pathogenic), while the mechanisms of the innate immune response and the dsRNA uptake ability from the extracellular medium were also investigated. Analysis of the results yielded important findings and conclusions regarding the impact of the aforementioned factors on the efficiency of silkworm’s RNAi mechanism. Our findings reveal possible overlaps of the main RNAi pathways in the silkworm in vitro, during the gene-silencing process mediated by dsRNA (miRNA, siRNA and piRNA), or hairpin RNA (siRNA and piRNA). Interestingly, except for their implication in the dsRNA-mediated silencing, the genes BmDcr2 and BmAgo2 of the siRNA pathway have proved to ope ...
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