Technological transition and degradation of historic mortars
Abstract 123 bulk samples of mortars were examined as part of this PhD research. The main aim of this work is to investigate the technology and degradation of mortar samples. The samples were collected from funerary monuments dated from Hellenistic to Byzantine time, affected by environmental degradation. The samples were collected in sections 6cm towards the surface using a drill-core material. The first sample was collected from the external layers, while the internal samples were collected 1cm below, in order to create an ideal Hellenistic and Byzantine mortar layer and to provide weathering gradients using isotopic analysis. The samples were characterized in terms of their isotopic, chemical and mineralogical composition. Stable isotope analysis (13C and 18O) provided information relative to the origin of CO2 and water during calcite formation making possible to distinguish different mortar technologies and degradation gradients. Compositional and morphological analyses were achiev ...
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