The cultural policy of Local Authorities as a factor of social and regional development: the case of the Municipality of Xanthi
This Thesis is to examine cultural policies designed by local government authorities and their impact on social and regional development as seen within the Municipality of Xanthi. The purpose of this Thesis is to analyse and examine the set-up of cultural activities implemented by the Greek Municipalities. In particular, it reflects upon events, changes and concerns which involve cultural affairs as well as their socioeconomic, political, spatial and regional dimension. Considering that the locality is a part of a totality, the process to achieve cultural development in Xanthi becomes very interesting as it proves to be fundamental for the whole Greek cultural image. The general is defined as national and the local as regional. Consequently, local cultural development becomes an essential part of national development.Qualitative and quantitative analysis’ tools were used for empirical research purposes along with the scientific principles of social policy, regional development, communi ...
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