Computational simulation of coastal wave processes with the use of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method
The subject of the doctoral dissertation is the effect of near-shore wave breaking of weak plunging form, transverse to a coast with impermeable bottom and constant mild slope, and the consequent creation of wave-induced coastal processes within the surf zone. The research focuses on the configuration, implementation, and calibration of a modern numerical simulation model, in the framework of the relatively recent computational method Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). The primary objective is to reproduce and analyze thoroughly the phenomenon of regular nonlinear waves breaking in the coastal zone, and the ultimate goal is the detailed mapping of the turbulent hydrodynamic field kinematics in the surf zone. To this end, the numerical simulation method SPH is implemented, which is based on particle-type spatial discretization and uses the concept of integral smoothing operators throughout the whole computational domain that is described by the full Navier-Stokes equations with Lagr ...
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