Μελέτη μη ανανεωτικών στοχαστικών μοντέλων στη θεωρία κινδύνου
Η αρχή της μαθηματικής θεωρίας κινδύνου προσδιορίζεται στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα, όταν οι μαθηματικοί Filip Lundberg και Harald Cramer με μια σειρά από εργασίες τους ενσωμάτωσαν τη θεωρία των στοχαστικών διαδικασιών στην αναλογιστική επιστήμη. Πρόσφατα, οι Gerber και Shiu, με την εργασία τους ’On the time value of ruin’ [(1998), North American Actuarial Journal], έδωσαν μια πρωτόγνωρη άνθηση στη μαθηματική 'θεωρία κινδύνου. Στην προαναφερόμενη εργασία οι Gerber και Shiu κατάφεραν να ενσωματώσουν όλα τα μέτρα κινδύνου, που ενδιαφέρουν έναν ασφαλιστικό οργανισμό, σε μία μόνο συνάρτηση, την αναμενόμενη προεξοφλημένη συνάρτηση ποινής ή συνάρτηση των Gerber-Shiu, εν συντομία. Για την αναλυτική μελέτη της αναμενόμενης προεξοφλημένης συνάρτησης ποινής τόσο για το κλασσικό, όσο και το αν
Μελέτη μη ανανεωτικών στοχαστικών μοντέλων στη θεωρία κινδύνου
Η αρχή της μαθηματικής θεωρίας κινδύνου προσδιορίζεται στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα, όταν οι μαθηματικοί Filip Lundberg και Harald Cramer με μια σειρά από εργασίες τους ενσωμάτωσαν τη θεωρία των στοχαστικών διαδικασιών στην αναλογιστική επιστήμη. Πρόσφατα, οι Gerber και Shiu, με την εργασία τους ’On the time value of ruin’ [(1998), North American Actuarial Journal], έδωσαν μια πρωτόγνωρη άνθηση στη μαθηματική 'θεωρία κινδύνου. Στην προαναφερόμενη εργασία οι Gerber και Shiu κατάφεραν να ενσωματώσουν όλα τα μέτρα κινδύνου, που ενδιαφέρουν έναν ασφαλιστικό οργανισμό, σε μία μόνο συνάρτηση, την αναμενόμενη προεξοφλημένη συνάρτηση ποινής ή συνάρτηση των Gerber-Shiu, εν συντομία. Για την αναλυτική μελέτη της αναμενόμενης προεξοφλημένης συνάρτησης ποινής τόσο για το κλασσικό, όσο και το ανούσα αξία των μερισμάτων κάτω από την ύπαρξη της προαναφερόμενης μερισματικής στρατηγικής. Επιπροσθέτως, στο Κεφ. 5 γενικεύουμε το Markov-modulated Poisson μοντέλο κινδύνου εισάγοντας το Markov-modulated ανανεωτικό μοντέλο κινδύνου. Στο συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο υποθέτουμε ότι ο αριθμός των κινδύνων καθώς και τα μεγέθη των ζημιών εξαρτώνται από μια αλυσίδα Markov συνεχούς χρόνου. Σε κάθε κατάσταση της προαναφερόμενης αλυσίδας θεωρούμε ότι ο αριθμός των κινδύνων είναι μια ανανεωτική στοχαστική διαδικασία με Erlang ενδιάμεσους χρόνους άφιξης. Κάτω από τις παραπάνω υποθέσεις δίνουμε αναλυτικά αποτελέσματα για τη συνάρτηση των Gerber-Shiu. Επίσης θεωρούμε το ίδιο μοντέλο κάτω από την ύπαρξη μιας στρατηγικής σταθερού μερίσματος και δείχνουμε τον τρόπο υπολογισμού της αναμενόμενης προεξοφλημένης συνάρτησης ποινής. Τέλος, στο Κεφ. 6 θεωρούμε μια επέκταση του κλασσικού μοντέλου με απαιτήσεις που εμφανίζουν χρονική υστέρηση, εισάγοντας έναν επιπλέον όρο διάχυσης. Κάτω από αυτή την τροποποίηση δείχνουμε ότι η συνάρτηση των Gerber-Shiu ικανοποιεί μια ελαττωματική ανανεωτική εξίσωση και δίνουμε τη λύση αυτής. Επιπλέον, θεωρούμε το ίδιο μοντέλο κάτω από την ύπαρξη μιας στρατηγικής πολλαπλών μερισμάτων και αποδεικνύουμε ότι η συνάρτηση των Gerber-Shiu ικανοποιεί ένα ολοκληρωτικό σύστημα τύπου Volterra δευτέρου είδους, η λύση του οποίου δίνεται χρησιμοποιώντας την προαναφερόμενη ελαττωματική ανανεωτική εξίσωση του ίδιου μοντέλου, χωρίς την ύπαρξη της μερισματικής στρατηγικής
Περίληψη σε άλλη γλώσσα
The seminal papers by Gerber and Shiu (1998, 2005), gave a huge boost to the study of risk theory by unifying various risk-related quantities in one single function - the Gerber-Shiu expected, discounted penalty function, or Gerber-Shiu function in short. In these papers the authors show not only how the expected discounted penalty function can be calculated but also some nice properties in the classical as well as in the Sparre Andersen risk model. However, the main, stringent, assumption of the aforementioned risk models is that the interclaim times and the claim sizes are independent, which is not an appropriate assumption so as to reflect the real insurance business precisely (e.g. catastrophic insurance). The main focus of this thesis is to provide a detailed analysis of the Gerber-Shiu function in various dependent structures risk models. In Chapter 1 we give a detailed introduction of the Sparre-Andersen risk model and we present known results for the Gerber-Shiu function in thi ...
ed risk models is that the interclaim times and the claim sizes are independent, which is not an appropriate assumption so as to reflect the real insurance business precisely (e.g. catastrophic insurance). The main focus of this thesis is to provide a detailed analysis of the Gerber-Shiu function in various dependent structures risk models. In Chapter 1 we give a detailed introduction of the Sparre-Andersen risk model and we present known results for the Gerber-Shiu function in this model. Also, in the same chapter we define, and analyze the mathematical tools that we will use repeatedly in the main core of this thesis. Moreover, we introduce various dividend strategies and we give analytical way known results under these strategies. In addition, we explain in full details the so called Markov-modulated Poisson risk model as well as the classical delayed risk model. Under these models known results for the expected discounted penalty function are given. In Chapter 2 we consider a risk model with two independent classes of insurance risks. We assume that the two independent claim counting processes are, respectively, Poisson and generalized Erlang (2) process. We prove that the Gerber-Shiu function satisfies some defective renewal equations. Exact representations for the solutions of these equations are derived through an associated compound geometric distribution and an analytic expression for this quantity is given when the claim severities have rationally distributed Laplace transforms. Further, the same risk model is considered in the presence of a constant dividend barrier. A system of integro-differential equations with certain boundary conditions for the Gerber-Shiu function is derived and solved. Using systems of integro-differential equations for the moment-generating function as well as for the arbitrary moments of the discounted sum of the dividend payments until ruin, a matrix version of the dividends-penalty is derived. Also, in the same chapter we show how the aforementioned results can be applied in the presence of a multi-layer dividend strategy. Finally, an extension to a risk model when the two independent claim counting processes are Poisson and generalized Erlang(ν), respectively, is considered, generalizing the aforementioned results. In Chapter 3 we consider two classes risk model perturbed by diffusion. We assume that the claim number processes are independent Poisson and generalized Erlang(n) process, respectively. Systems of integro-differential equations for the expected discounted penalty functions at ruin if ruin is caused by a claim and oscillation are established, and a generalized Lundberg’s equation is obtained. When the generalized Lundberg’s equation has distinct roots with positive real parts, explicit results for the Gerber-Shiu functions due to a claim and oscillation are given when both claim amount distributions belong to the rational family. Moreover, we consider the same two classes perturbed risk model in the presence of a constant dividend barrier strategy. Systems of integro-differential equations for the Gerber-Shiu functions if ruin is caused by a claim and by oscillation with certain boundary conditions are derived and solved for rational distributed claim amounts. In addition a system of integro-differential equations with certain boundary conditions for the moment-generating function as well as for the arbitrary moments of the discounted sum of the dividend payments until ruin is derived and solved. Using this matrix version of the dividends-penalty identity is derived. Also similar results for the maximum surplus before ruin are given. Finally the distribution of the total dividends payments until ruin is obtained. In Chapter 4 we study a more general two classes risk model in the presence of a multi-layer dividend strategy. We assume that both of the two claim number processes are renewal processes with phase-type inter-claim times. By re-composing and analyzing the Markov-chains associated with the two given phase-type distributions of the inter-claim times, algorithmic schemes for the determination of explicit expressions for the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function as well as the expected discounted dividend payments are derived. Finally a recursive approach with respect to the number of layers is developed, that allows us to obtain explicit expressions for the two aforementioned risk quantities improving the previous algorithmic schemes. In Chapter 5 motivated by the Markov-modulated Poisson risk process, in this paper we study the expected discounted penalty functions in a Markov-modulated renewal risk process in which both the inter-arrival claim times and the distribution of the claim sizes are influenced by an external Markovian process. At each state of this Markovian process the number of claims is modeled by an ordinary renewal process in which the inter-arrival claim times are Erlang distributed random variables. This model is a generalization of the Markov-modulated Poisson risk model and is closely related to the Markov-modulated Εκ/G/l queuing system. A system of integro-differential equations for the expected discounted penalty functions is derived and a characteristic equation is obtained. The solutions of the characteristic equation are given. Through these solutions, explicit formulas for the expected discounted penalty functions are obtained when all the claim amount distributions belong to the rational family. Further, the same risk model is considered in the presence of a constant dividend barrier strategy. A system of integro-differential equations with certain boundary solutions for the expected discounted penalty functions is derived and solved. As an illustration, explicit results and numerical examples are obtained in the case of the two state model where the claim arrival process, in each of the two states, has Erlang(2) and exponentially distributed inter-arrival times respectively. In Chapter 6 we propose an extension to the compound Poisson risk process perturbed by diffusion in which two types of individual claims, main claims and by-claims, are incorporated. Every by-claim is induced by the main claim and may be delayed for one time period with a certain probability. An integro-differential equation system for the expected discounted penalty functions is derived and solved by proving that the Gerber-Shiu function satisfy some defective renewal equation. An exact representation for the solution of this equation is derived through an associated compound geometric distribution and an analytic expression for this quantity is given when the claim amount severities of both the claims and by-claims have rationally distributed Laplace transforms. Further, the same risk model is considered in the presence of a multi-layer dividend strategy. A system of integro-differential equations for the expected discounted penalty fu
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Όλα τα τεκμήρια στο ΕΑΔΔ προστατεύονται από πνευματικά δικαιώματα.
Όλα τα τεκμήρια στο ΕΑΔΔ προστατεύονται από πνευματικά δικαιώματα.
Στατιστικά χρήσης
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Πηγή: Google Analytics.
Αφορά στο άνοιγμα του online αναγνώστη για την χρονική περίοδο 07/2018 - 07/2023.
Πηγή: Google Analytics.
Πηγή: Google Analytics.
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