A study of the form of Hungarian oak trees (Quercus conferta) at Cholomonda Chalkidiki, Northern Greece
Linear and nonlinear equations were compared, to express diameter at height hi, , as a function of height hi, for stands of Querqus conferta at Holomondas (Halkidiki).Demaerschalk και Kozak’s method (1974) was applied, to determine sample size. Finally, a systematic sample size of 500 trees was selected. Variables measured at sample trees were diameter at stump height, diameter at 80 cm height and breast height diameter D. Variables estimated at sample trees were diameters 2 by 2 m above breast height, that is at 3,3, 5,3, ... m above ground and total tree height H.Exploratory data analysis was applied, for all variables used in the regression equations. Comparison criteria and tests for regression equations were:•Test of regression significance.•Confidence intervals estimation for regression coefficients.•Testing hypotheses concerning regression coefficients.•Multicollinearity tests.•Residual analysis.•Coefficient of determination.•Standard error of estimate of dependent variable.•Me ...
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